I kind of wish now I finished my degree to be a teacher then I could be home all summer with T and craft all summer long. I guess it is never to late just have to decide if I want to go back to school. I did not enjoy it the first time but then again being a payroll clerk is very boring the same thing every week. Ok Ok enough of the boring stuff I know why you all come here to see what I have been working on. That is why I visit most of your blogs.

I did finish those embroidery buttons for Average Jane from the giveaway last month. Then I went on an embroidery button kick and made some mushrooms and some turtles. Embroidery buttons are so fun to make because they are fast and cute. I use the buttons kits you can buy at almost any craft store.
After the button frenzy I knit a beanie for my nephew. This was my first hat and color changes. I feel like I am actually getting the hang of this knitting thing. I have been enjoying it so much lately that I have been neglecting my other crafts.
I sometimes wish I could devote all my time to one craft but I tend to be obsessed then get burnt out and move on to the next one then get burnt out on that one and move on, then the cycle starts all over. I enjoy it all just wish I could devote all my time to one to get better at it.
I did get have a few questions on the pincushions and thought I would answer then here.
Are they are not heavy?
-No they are just filled with poly fiber fill.
Are those fabric covered buttons?
-Nope, I used regular buttons that I bought at Wal-Mart
Could you strap them to your wrist?
-Yes, I might steal that idea.
I hope these answer your questions if you need more clarification let me know.
What kind of projects have you all been doing this summer?