Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
It is already December?
My tea towel has made it home. It took awhile but it was so worth the wait. Everyone did a wonderful job. I can not wait for the next one in January. Hope you all will join us.
The tree has been bought and the lights have been strung now on to the decorating. This year is our vintage tree only vintage and handmade ornaments are allowed on the tree. They look so wonderful. I can not wait to get started decorating it.
Now all that is left is finishing the handmade gifts and buying the last of the other gifts then Christmas will done and I can rest and enjoy it. I started the blanket for my SIL last night and I was surprised and how much I have already gotten done. It is half way done I think I might be running out of yarn so it will have to be a lap blanket. We set a spending limit on gifts and I am already slightly over. We all go over but we try not to too much.
I hope you are all enjoying the Christmas get-togethers and good food. I might be off and on a bit as my life is getting busy with music programs (7 of them in the next 2 weeks) and 2 work Christmas parties not to mention getting together with friends. I might complain but I love it. I love being busy.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Tea Towel Make-Over
Sunday, November 25, 2007
What Have You Been Up To?

I love marking things off lists so that way I can get started on the next thing without guilt.
My next project is a Christmas apron for myself for when I do Christmas baking with my Mother and Sister-in-Law. It should be fun. We have
done it for the past few years. Then it is to get started on my Christmas presents for my family. We are not getting together until January 5th so I have a bit of time.
I am not ready to go back to work 4 days off is wonderful wish I could do that every week. Well have a good evening.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
I had a wonderful time. I spent is my family this year and the three best men in my life had a blast. They all brought their instruments of choice and had a jam session just the three of them. They were singing all sorts of songs and ended up finishing with Christmas Carols.
My mom and niece had a great time too. My niece learned to crochet from me and how to embroider from my mom. It was great to see my mom teaching another generation how to embroider.
Thanksgiving was a great day I hope you all had a wonderful day too.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Break from Embroidery
Arm: I am tired of all this embroidery it is getting boring.
Me: WHAT!? How can you be bored of embroidery
Arm: I just am let's do something else
Me: HMMM. Ok we can make a pincushion
Arm: Alright
Me: Excellent!
Arm: Wait! I think I was tricked it is still a craft project.
Me: Oh well you agreed. hehe.
I do often have conversations with the cat and dog but this was a first with a body part.
I bought Quilts n' More magazine for only one reason and that was to make the pincushion featured on the front page. That was sometime this summer and I never got around to it. I took the suggest break and made the little guy. It was so much fun I kind of wonder why I did not do that earlier. Ever have that why did I not do this sooner? What kept me from finishing it?
I keep thinking of who I can give it to but my hubby said I need to keep it for myself. I guess I will just have to make more and put them on Christmas presents as tags. I think that would be cute and embroider their names on them. What do you think?
Monday, November 12, 2007
Ornament Swap

Monday, November 5, 2007
Apple Picking
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Christmas Swap
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween
Monday, October 29, 2007
Embroidery Swap
I figured out who these wonderful buttons came from
Owl - Sarah
Apple - Amy
Tea Cup - Joy
Crown - June
Robot - Michelle (the organizer)
Orange buttons - Maitreya they are not pictured yet due to the lack of noticing the bottom of the package held a sixth button for me. I will be taking a picture of that soon. It is very pretty.
Thank you all for your hard work.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Sleep Crafting
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
New Vintage Embroidery Pattern Blog
Monday, October 15, 2007
Next Installment of the Tea Towel Tour
I made her a Pineapple Cooler. On her towel she originally put a girl in shorts with the phrase it is getting hot in here. Well I decided that the Pineapple needed to cools things off before well, you all know the song. He really likes Blue Hawaiians (or I do I can never remember).
If you are interested in this pattern it can be found here.
Hope you all had a good weekend.
Friday, October 12, 2007
A Mouse in the House

She had a small mouse in her mouth after we saw that T springs to action and try to get the cat to go outside then she drops the mouse and I go running into the dining room and right up on top of one of the chairs. I was screaming bloody murder and refusing to go back into the living room. As you might image T just starts laughing and laughing. You know how girls are when hysterical do not ever laugh that makes us worse. After the laughter died down he swore he would protect me from the little mouse. I slowly got off the chair and ran to the bedroom promptly closed the door and finished watching Ugly Betty and then put on my boots grabbed a broom and went into the living room ready to get that mouse out of our house.
I swear we must have been a sight me screaming and waving the broom and T lifting the couch and yelling get it get it. We did not get it. We set a trap last night and still nothing this morning so I am hoping by the time I get home it is taken care of and I can relax and enjoy my Friday night.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Button Swap
For close-up pictures you can check them out on Flickr
Friday, September 28, 2007
Tour of the Towels
Last weekend we took our new trailer camping to Ohanapecosh in Mt. Rainier State Park. It was so beautiful there and cold is was getting in the low 30's at night. The worst part of the trip was forgetting my camera. Otherwise I would be showing you wonderful pictures of Mt. Rainier.
The old girl held up and now we are thinking about how we want to paint it and decorate it. It should be a fun project for winter. I will let you all know how we are doing.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Well today is my birthday and you know what that means. Another year older and the more I lie about my age. Well at least I am not as old as my brother. He is 3 1/2 years older than I am so I guess I can not complain.
Well for my birthday I wanted to go camping and then T got this great idea that we need to buy a travel trailer. We finally found one in our price range it is a 1966 Aladdin Trailer 16 ft sleeps six very cramped trailer. But it is ours and in our blind eyes beautiful. We have plans to fix it up all retro like. It has a turquoise stove. Did you hear me a turquoise STOVE! I will take pictures of the inside soon I just have the outside right now. I am just so excited I can not even see straight. We are taking it camping this weekend then after that it will be sitting there until October when we go camping again. I hope to have it semi-decorated by then. Well at least new curtains. We will see what time does.
Friday, September 14, 2007
First Towel is Here.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Tea Towel Tour 2
Well, we ship on Monday. I decided this time to start off the tour with my own embroidery. Last time I was just to excited to send I did not put anything on it. Now I want it to be Monday so I can send!
This week has been going fast and this Friday is T's first Football game of the season. His kids are getting excited to play and march at the game. I will be there early so I can help the girls get fitted into the uniforms. I promise to post pictures.
We went camping for labor day and now we are like we need a little camper. We are going to look at one tonight so we will see what kind of shape it is in. If it is just cosmetic I can do that. I hope it is not to bad. I really really want one so I can fix it up. Well back to the grind of work.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Tea Towel Tour
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Fun With Felt
I have spent most of the summer home taking care of T. He had back surgery earlier this summer and is still recovering. I spent most of the time picking stuff up and putting things on top shelves for him. Although I did get a little mischievious and put things on bottoms shelves to tease him. I do could not help myself. We always have great fun so he thought it was funny and told me to stop because laughing hurt his back. I am so glad he is feeling better.
Now life is getting back to normal. School is back in session (I do not have kids but T is a band teacher). The football season is starting soon so that means I get to bring more projects to games while I listen to his band play. It should be fun.
Right now we are getting ready for our last camping trip for the summer. I can not wait. I still wonder if I should bring a project or not. I always think I should but never get around to it. I will have to see.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Embroidery Button Swap
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Sisterhood of the Traveling Books
Monday, June 11, 2007
Seattle Trip
A week ago we went to see Harry Connick, Jr. in concert in Woodinville. It was a blast. While we were there T was able to get a trumpet lesson from his lead Trumpet player Roger Ingram. I do have to admit I never heard of Roger before this trip. He was a nice guy and he let me take a picture of him (on the right) and T (on the left).
Later that weekend we went to see my sister-in-law on the ferry. No matter how many times I go over the ferry I love it and I love taking pictures of the Space Needle.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Memorial Day
These are rock by Haystack Rock. It is getting close to sundown and we walked out to haystack rock. To bad it was high tide. Otherwise we could have walked out to it and see all the sea creatures that live there.
We went all over. We flew kites at the beach, went to the Tillamook cheese factory. Oh my gosh CHEESE. I died and went to heaven.
I do have to say the worst thing happened on the trip. The first morning. I got up before everyone else and since they were all sleeping I thought I would take a shower before they all woke up and then I would start breakfast. Then the unthinkable happend. My bad ankle gave out and I fell. Right there in front of the camp. So the rest of the trip I was called gimpy. My ankle swelled up and hurt that nothing else. I decided to endure to have a good weekend. It was good. Fun and painful. Oh well take the good with the bad.
So at the end of the weekend I was shopping I went into a fabric store looking for some nice fabric to make a purse and 40 minutes later I walked out with 2 wall hanging quilts to make. (Take in to consideration I have never quilted in my life). Man, I am not sure how it happened. Brian assured me I did decide to buy them on my own. It must have been some kind of time warp or alternative universe thing. While in the shop I have all the powers of sewing then I walk out and am like oh my gosh how did that happen. Well I guess we will have to see what happens. I will keep you all posted. I will take pictures of the kits before I get started.
I hope you all had a fun and relaxing weekend.
Friday, May 25, 2007
New Header
Thank you Floresita! I love it.

I have not gotten that far. Hope to see you on. You can find me I am beetastic.
I just started to play around with picnik you should try it out. It is fun to change your pictures.
Have a wonderful Memorial Day.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Mother's Day
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Crazy Days and What They Produce
Anyone else have days like those?
Larger Than Life
This has been a really fun project but the bag is really larger than life. It is HUGE! I have made the lining now I just have to attach it. The lining I love so much I do not want to cover it up with the bag but then I want to use the bag. I am so torn.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Time Gets Away
Today was just one of those days when you look in the mirror and you say to yourself SELF why do you still have the same haircut since I don't know the beginning of time. So I marched into the bathroom took the scissors I use to cut my husbands hair and chopped my hair to make some bangs and a little on the side to decide how short i want it before I go in and have it chopped. I have grown out my hair to the middle of my back so tomorrow I plan on going in and having it chopped to my shoulders. Then I will have it dye dark brown. I hope I like it. It is just hair right? Oh please tell me right!
I have gone to another baby shower this week it must be in the water! Yikes must drink more soda. Water gets you preggers. It was a long shower come on 2 hours of games the whole shower was 4 hours. I was so ready to die. They had a guess the poo game it was so gross. They put gross disgusting things in diapers and we were suppose to figure out what it was by looking and smelling it. I nearly gagged. Hopefully no one else is will have a baby for at least 2 months.
I have been part of a tea towel swap on crafters. We each send one towel out to 6 people each person stitches on it and sends it on to the next person. It has been great fun.
That is a small recap of what I have been up to. I hope to update more often.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
No more pictures!
I know Copper is thinking why is this funny girl always taking my picture. The answer is because I am bored and have no children to torture. She is our baby and will be turning 9 next week. I might have to make her wear a hat.
I can't believe 9 she is getting so old she moans when she walks and takes forever to get moving. That does not stop her from escaping from the back yard or getting into mischief whenever she can or sitting in the kitchen waiting for veggie scraps, she loves bell peppers. She hears me chopping and comes running and if I do not give her the bell pepper scraps she barks at me. I normally say barky dogs don't get treats and I make her wait a minute then she gets the treat. She is so spoiled.
Paprika thinks the same thing but then again she bugs me all the time. Everytime I fall asleep on the couch she is there touching my nose with her paw. She is 6 and will be 7 next month. They are both so sweet and they love to play together. The paprika waits for copper and when copper walks around the corner she pounces on her back it is so funny to watch. I so think our cat thinks she is a dog. She likes her belly scratched and at times will eat dog food even when she has her own food. Is it owners reflect their pets or pets reflect their owners? I really am not sure and I hope neither is for my sake.
Well off to bug them some more.
To many babies!
These are the onesies I made for the second shower I went to, two weeks ago. They are a co-worker hence the tax credit 2007. We all loved it the nerds we are.
Cheers and have a good weekend.
Friday, April 6, 2007
Viva Las Vegas Baby
To tell you a little about myself. I embroider, bake, crochet, and attempt to knit. So far only scarves in simple stitches.
Embroidered Tea Towel from Sublime Stitching. I had to change it to a real royal flush. My husband told me it was wrong. How am I suppose to know I do not play poker? Trust me I have tried but when you have to ask what beats what it is no use.
The banner is made with metallic thread and embroidery floss together. I liked the effect kind of like a neon sign.
This is what I do to relax after a hard day at work. Right now I am embroidering a lot. I work at an accountant's office and April 17th is sneaking up on us. It is crazy!